May 27, 2009

Kindergarten Crush

Funny how I remember this after all these years. This is crazy....DUDE I was smooth as shit back in Kindergarten!!

Jerome Encomienda - he had a little bowl hair cut and dimples. My first crush ever.
Then there was David and my friend Marisol.

Jerome and his little friend David would chase Marisol and I around the big boxy jungle jim. Marisol and I would end up climbing all the way to the top and the boys would run circles around the jungle jim in the sand box like hungry wolves waiting for their prey to succumb and climb down. Alas, we never gave in. The bell would eventually ring, Jerome and David would run off into the hallway back to class and leave us sitting atop the jungle jim, victorious in the game of cat and mouse or wolf and prey....whatever it was.

In addition to the chasing, Jerome and David would pull our hair.
In Kindergarten my mom always fixed my hair up into pigtails and added some sort of bow to make me look fly. Apparently , I was OCD back then too, because when these two little shits would chase us they would pull our pig tails resulting in hair bumps thus ruining the rest of my day. Back then I didn't have hair supplies readily available in my Strawberry Shortcake lunch box, much less know how to do my own hair. Why messed up hair bothered me in Kindergarten is a mystery. A result of my smoothness I'm sure.

I wonder what Jerome is doing now and if he still has that bowl hair cut.


  1. In kindergarten, I was that chick that kind of sort of smacked the boys around.


  2. I'm sure you had plenty of suitors then. LOL!
