May 15, 2009

Bless the Women that give Pedicures

I sure as hell could not sit there and massage the feet of a nasty woman (or man for that matter) every day. HELL no. Clipping their toenails, sanding rough spots *barf*. I'm not sure if I can think of a worse job right now. Ew.


  1. I'd rather shampoo toe hairs than be a kindergarten teacher... the thought of 20 mangy children send my nerves into overdrive. LOL But that's just me!

  2. Au contraire - I honestly think I could handle a class full of kids better than random feet. It's like being a prostitute, you never know what kind of John you're gonna get - he could be DISGUSTING, just like feet. A class of kids is constant, you learn them, they don't change.
