April 25, 2009

Indecisive Ass

I don't think I've ever met anyone more indecisive than me when it comes to men. One day they can be the bees knees and the next minute, I'm over it. I don't know why that happens because I'm all about routine and consistency. I eat a Mexican hot pocket every day without a second thought, but certain men, I analyze and over think and it's just...ugh.

Yes, I get annoyed easily. There are actually a few questions that I ask myself to determine whether there is any long term potential:
  • Does the fucker get on my nerves?
  • Does he drink out of a pineapple cup?
  • Does he have more than 300 myspace friends?


  1. Does he eat all of the sushi on his plate?!

  2. Oh yeah good one.....Does he use his chopsticks? LOL
