April 30, 2009

Another Date Anotha Dolla

Last night I hung out with Dr. Noah again...

Prior to last night, i.e. yesterday afternoon - we had lunch. I like this guy. At lunch he showed up in his collared shirt, slacks, fresh hair cut and glasses. It was way cute!!!!!!. I kinda wanted to jump his bones in the restauran
t, but I showed incredible restraint. yay me.

On a side note, I'm going to start calling him LCG, because that's the nickname that my friends and I have for him - inside thing we have about "Larry the Cable Guy". He looks and acts nothing like Larry the Cable Guy though. Much like E40 looks and acts nothing like E40. He reminds me more of Josh Hopkins A.K.A. Dr. Noah from Private Practice, I'm sure Esq will beg to differ, I shall await her response.
ack to last night.....

I made dinner, and LCG brought over some scary movies. We ate dinner, drank a couple cervesas, watched movies and then played a couple rounds of guitar hero. My kinda man. Took me to lunch, laughed with me, drank some beers with me, watched movies with me, ate my food and didn't complain (I keed, I can cook), and played video games with me.


  1. *dead*

    Now that I see the pic, I can see the resemblance. (I don't watch Grey's Anatomy or whatever so I couldn't confirm or deny before). On the other hand, he looks (to me) like a cross between Zach Morris and Screech or at the very least like he graduated from Bayside High lol!

  2. I've always had a crush on Zach-Attack and Screech is sexy ROFLMAO. PERFECT.

  3. Back to my first reaction...

    Oh how did I know?! HOW DID I KNOOOOOOW!!!

    UGH!!! Now I have to go get my phone because I KNOOOOOOOW that hanging out with you is going to produce some hilarious blog fodder! :(
