March 29, 2009

Missed Connections - The Social Experiment

Back in November when my obsession with craigslist was beginning, I decided that I wanted to see if the missed connection crap really worked or if all the bullshit was just that...bullshit. Do people really read and respond? Point is, every where I went I had my eye out for someone that I could conjure up a missed connection post for and in turn hope that he was a missed connection reader like me.

One day I went to lunch with Mr. Right (who actually turned into Mr. Flaky) , a couple police men came in to eat. I couldn't help but notice one of them, He was just.....ummmm hot. The whole time Mr. Right is talking to me I'm plotting my missed connection post. Short and sweet:

A few nights later, I get an email "I think I'm the person you're looking for"

HOLY SHIT, It works!

Turns out his friend is a reader and told him about the post.

We chatted it up, IMs, text messages. I made it a point to ask if he had a wife or a girlfriend (not trying to be #2). He said he was single and has maintained that he is single and just casually dating but for the past 5 months I have yet to see or hear from this man outside of his working hours.

Exercise in woman's intuition - Trust it.

Someone that knows him has let me know Mr. Serve and Protect is in fact married.

Missed Connections - Success
Honest Man - Fail

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