February 28, 2009

An Excercise in Self Absorption

The following is one of those, I suppose you would call it a "get to know you" type thing from Facebook. I was perusing a number of blogs earlier today and one of them had posted their "25 things" so I thought, why the h-e-double hockey sticks not? It's my blog and I shall do as I please <3

1. I love to play games: Scrabble, Scattergories, Cranium, Taboo (even though I suck at this one). Game night with friends and drinks is a must every so often.
2. I was born and raised in San Diego, Chula Vista to be exact, 8 miles from the Mexico border....and Tijuana "the most visited city in Mexico". Nobody can believe that I don't want to go back to SD. I'm happy here in Va and I like it. Va Beach is essentially SD on the East Coast with seasons....and it's too damn expensive out there in Cali!
3. When I find something I like - be it jeans, shoes, body spray - I buy at least 2, just in case I ruin one or use one up, I have a back up.
4. I'm WAY too nice and I wear my heart on my sleeve. Leaves a lot of room for me to be taken advantage of, and yes it has happened MANY times. Will I ever learn?
5. I'm a sucker for reality television. How the hell do those women kiss Flava? Just WOW. They are so ridiculous, yet I get sucked in every time.
6. I can't tell a story or a joke to save my life. It sounds wonderful and funny in my head, but the verbal diarrhea is a complete mess. I end up laughing at myself through the whole thing and nothing makes sense anyway.
7. I was in the Navy for 8 years. 6 years active, 2 reserve. Nuclear Power w00t! - Electronics w00t! again.
8. I don't like change. Change causes anxiety. I don't avoid it and it usually ends up for the best, but I'm all about routine....what can I say - I'm a Taurus. I can say, though, that's why I gravitate towards people who are spontaneous, I need/like that in my life.
9. I have no idea how to change a tire, well maybe its one of those things where its intimidating to me and I'm afraid that I won't apply enough torque and the tire will come flying off on the interstate.
10. I have organizational OCD. Everything has to be at a particular angle and/or symmetrical or I have to adjust it immediately. The exception is the small mountain of clean laundry I can never seem to get rid of.
11. I love hot sauce and put it on everything. I also like to "borrow" fire sauce from Taco Bell. I usually have a collection in the fridge.
12. I can normally find humor in everything. If something requires compassion, I promise not to make a funny and to be compassionate, but if you trip over your left foot and scrape up your face...chances are, I'm laughing.
13. I'm super geeky. Movies on opening night is one of my favorite things to do, especially if they open at IMAX. Harry Potter, Transformers, 300, Beowulf.....
14. Most everything I know is self taught. If I don't know it, I will look it up. Google is my friend. I can NOT stand ignorance.
15. Some of the best times of my life were during my time in the Navy - Med Cruise '99. What happens on deployment stays on deployment. HA, seriously nothing unspeakable happened, just a lot of partying and inebriation in foreign countries. Good times.
16. I got my motorcycle license this past August. I have a GSX-R 600 and want to ride SO bad. However, I'm afraid to and my battery is dead. I haven't had it out on the streets yet. I'm an official "parking lot pimp"
17. I'm shy and I think that can be misinterpreted as stuck up. I don't talk a lot, my theory is that the less you say, the more intelligent people think you are ;-)
18. I hate window shopping. When I go to the mall, I go knowing exactly what store I'm going to go to and what I want to buy. Don't get me wrong, I DO love to shop and love to buy things....who doesn't?... but walking around a mall with no purpose.....erm, has no purpose.
19. I have a horrible memory. Well selective memory, I forget names and birthdays but will remember your face....and dammit that annoying new song on the radio, yeah I know all the words to it.
20. I like dogs but have random dog allergies. Sometimes they make me sneeze, sometimes they don't. I want a dog, but I want an already trained dog, and it'll be a crap shoot on the allergic reaction.
21. I love to travel, and I will go to Italy even if I have to go solo. I'll take a nice romantic gondola ride in Venice with myself, and maybe do a little ditty like Madonna did in her Like a Virgin video.
22. I'm not a religious person despite the fact that my mother made me go to church with her every Sunday growing up while my brother was allowed to stay home and "clean his room".....yes I remember that shit brother.
23. After I got out of the Navy I was a field technician for Cox Communications. Yes, I used to haul that big ass ladder around, climb up utility poles with a hard hat, crawl under houses, and fumble around in attics. I loved the job but at the time they didn't pay enough for me to support my son and I.
24. I have one child and he is enough. I've been saying that if I meet someone with kids, I will happily accept them, in fact, I love single fathers....but my uterus housing another embryo will take a whole lot of convincing......MAJOR convincing.
25. I just wasted my Sunday morning doing this

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