February 13, 2009

Why can't you use correct grammar Shawty?

I've noticed this trend on the interwebz, well OK, Craigslist specifically......WHAT? SO FUCKING WHAT? I read Craigslist like a dog licks his balls - every chance he gets. Anyway, I read these things and wonder WHY people don't spell check their shit. Is there something I'm missing? Did Microsoft come out with the "text slang save time grammar and spell check" with the new windows service pack? So anyway, I'm perusing the postings and apparently this guy goes to the mall with his "lil brutha" and decided that he wanted a hat or that he at least wanted to browse the selection. He goes to the "hatstore". He looks at the hats. He decides to buy one. I would venture to say that he picked up a few different colors while he was browsing, maybe a blue one, then a red one. He sees a girl in the store that catches his eye, he's way too shy to say anything and his "lil brutha" is rushing him out of the "hatstore".

This girl really made an impression on him, and as with all craigslist missed connection posters, they all begin with some variation of "This is a long shot" "You'll probably never see this".....I LOVE This one because he says....

"u probly neva c dis post...."

That is classic and I would be all over a man that reached out to me on craigslist with a message like that. That is the greatest first impression that could be made on a woman. I am so turned on by the exhibition of grammatical prowess. Oh how I wish that missed connection was for me.

1 comment:

  1. CTFU!!!!!! How in the heck did I miss this post! *Dyin*


    You should email back and say "dat jawn u bot wuz hella kewt yo! It wuz blu! Whatup!"
