January 13, 2009

Trash can Bonfire! wut?

Memorial Day Weekend 2008 - True Story.

It was a nice pre-summer day. A number of people had gathered, having fun, cooking a whole bunch of food, playing spades, drinking beer and large amounts of various types or liquor. The setting - a backyard, not necessarily a landscaped backyard - well there was a rusted car in the back left hand corner that the kids were playing on, and a rundown shed to the right.

Messley Swipes, a somewhat less dapper version of the famous Wessley Snipes, was hosting the event and Mr. Squid, his homeboy, carried a makeshift bar in his trunk. He literally pulls out two blenders, a card table and extension cords and sets up a bar next to the grills and starts mixing up the Pina Coladas! Maybe we should have brought out a tip jar too?

So I get in line...........(did you insert a blank stare here like I did?)

Drink in hand, I sit and sip on my fresh backyard blended colada. Esquire and I are relaxing, listening to music, people watching.

Messley creates a bonfire in a metal trash can, in his backyard, in the middle of Norfolk, Virginia?!!?!.....and well....it wasn't because anyone was cold. Mariah - Fantasy was playing in the background. Instead of questioning the events, we began to sing along with Mariah as he chucked trash into the can and we watched as the flames stretched up into the Norfolk sky.

It was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. *Quits life*

    So I'm literally crying into my grown lady handkerchief right now as I type one handedly.

    You completely should've added the part where I looked lovingly, okay drunkenly, into your eyes and said "This moment right here is why you are officially a bridesmaid in my wedding" as Aunt Jackie screamed at Messley to put more trash on the fire. LMAO!
