January 29, 2009

Bourgeoisie adventures at the local taco establishment

BITCH, don’t be so Bourgeoisie!!!

So today at lunch, I had an appointment - right after I made a stop at a Taco Bell to grab a quick bite before I headed back to work. As I was greedily piling fire sauce into my bag - and simultaneously scanning my surroundings - ensuring that the patrons don't see me stocking up on fire sauce for future use (hey it comes in handy), the manager struck up a conversation with me as he refilled the sauce bins.

"What your name is?"

OK, I'm kidding.

Really he was very nice and asked where I was from, and what brought me to this area. He followed me to the other side of the counter close to the door, and said something that I made him repeat like 4 times because I'm DEAF...

"Do you have any proactive?"


"Have you seen my narrative?"


"Can I get some additive?"

huh? - I'm sorry I can't hear what you're saying....

"You are very attractive" he utters as he leans over so I can finally understand what he's saying in all my deafness. Aaaahhhhhhh, thank you.

ANYWAY, He opened the door for me and walked with me to my car. I thought he was going to get in and drive off into the sunset with me. He gave me his number and invited me back to Taco Bell. Maybe I'll get a free chalupa or something.

1 comment:

  1. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You are hilarious! Do you have any Proactive?! *floored*
